The Importance of Transparency and Timing in Selecting Our Next Superintendent

Last night, I had the opportunity to speak at the Poway Unified School District board meeting, where I addressed the critical issue of the timing for selecting our next Superintendent. You can watch my comments in full here.

As a candidate for the Area A trustee seat in the upcoming election, I’ve had the opportunity to engage with many members of our community who care deeply about the future of our school district. Area A, home to Del Norte High School and many other important schools in our district, represents a diverse and vibrant community. We’re at a critical juncture, not just because two board seats are up for election, but because the decisions made in the coming months will significantly shape the future of our district.

One such decision is the selection of a new Superintendent—a role that is pivotal to the success of our schools, the welfare of our students, and the trust our community places in the board. Unfortunately, the current board has set a timeline that raises serious concerns about the transparency and fairness of this process. Voting for the two board seats begins on October 7, yet the board plans to approve a new Superintendent three days AFTER. This rush to finalize such an important decision, while the community is in the midst of selecting its representatives, is troubling.

A Call for Deliberation and Transparency

I strongly urge the board to reconsider this timing. By pushing the interviews and final selection until after the election, with the approval process taking place in December/January, we can ensure that newly elected board members—those who represent the voice of the voters—have a say in this significant and long-term decision. This is not merely a procedural adjustment; it is a matter of principle. It demonstrates a commitment to transparency, respect for the democratic process, and a recognition that the board’s decisions must be in sync with the will of the people it serves.

Our Interim Superintendent, whom the board appointed, has been doing a commendable job for over eight months. Extending this interim period by just two more months will not derail our district's progress. On the contrary, it will provide the necessary time to ensure that the selection process is thorough and that the final decision is made with the input of those newly elected to the board. Moreover, if the selected candidate comes from outside the district, this extension would allow them to give proper notice at their current position and wrap up their responsibilities during the winter break, ensuring a smoother transition.

The Need for Accountability

To understand why this timeline is so concerning, it’s essential to look at the context. Let’s recap the sequence of events for the public’s sake:

  • This board waited nine months after the Del Norte Softball banquet incident to place Ms. Phelps on paid leave. The incident was a significant one, raising questions about leadership and oversight that should have been addressed more promptly.

  • Another three months passed before the board made the decision to terminate Ms. Phelps. This delay only added to the community’s frustration and eroded trust in the board’s ability to act decisively.

  • Nearly two more months went by before the board hired a search firm and posted the position for a new Superintendent. This sluggish response, following months of inaction, set the stage for the rushed process we are now witnessing.

Adding to this context, it’s important to note that former Superintendent Marian Kim Phelps was dismissed under serious allegations. She allegedly used her position to interfere in an investigation involving her daughter. Phelps has challenged her termination in court, claiming the investigation was flawed and politically motivated. Compounding the situation, Phelps is facing a lawsuit from her former executive assistant, Amanda Marshall, who alleges years of harassment and intimidation. Additionally, Phelps is involved in litigation with a former Del Norte High softball player, who accuses her of harassment related to the banquet incident.

Moreover, it’s worth noting that all five current board members were overseeing the district during Ms. Phelps’ tenure. These lawsuits underscore a pattern of troubling behavior and leadership issues within the district, making it even more critical that the board does not rush the selection of the next Superintendent. The community deserves a transparent, thoughtful process that ensures the next leader of our schools is selected with care and the input of newly elected board members.

A Matter of Trust

Public trust is not something that can be taken for granted; it must be earned through actions that demonstrate a genuine commitment to the community’s best interests. This board often speaks about the importance of transparency, yet the current approach to selecting a new Superintendent tells a different story. Trust is built by listening to the community, acting with integrity, and ensuring that every decision made is in the best interest of our students and families.

The upcoming election is an opportunity for the community to have its voice heard. It is a chance for voters to choose representatives who will advocate for their values and priorities. By delaying the final decision on the Superintendent until after the election, the board can show that it respects the will of the people and is committed to making decisions that reflect the community’s input.

Moving Forward

As we move forward, it’s essential that the board takes the time to get this decision right. The selection of a new Superintendent is not just another item on the agenda; it is a decision that will impact our district for years to come. It is imperative that the board acts with deliberation, transparency, and a genuine commitment to the democratic process.

In conclusion, I urge the board to delay the final decision on the Superintendent until after the election, ensuring that the community’s voice is actually heard. If the board is serious about listening to the public, it should allow the voters to speak first with their votes. Additionally, I encourage everyone in our community to voice their opinions on this matter through the school district’s online survey, which you can find here.

Thank you for your continued engagement and commitment to our schools. Together, we can ensure that our district’s future is bright and that our leaders are accountable to the people they serve.

About My Campaign

I’m running for the Area A trustee seat because I believe in accountability, transparency, and putting our students and families first. If you share these values and want to be part of the conversation on how we can better serve our community, I invite you to learn more about my campaign at Your support and input are invaluable as we work together to shape the future of our district.


For further context and details regarding the issues discussed, please refer to the following articles:


PUSD 2023-24 Year End Wrap