Tim’s Top Issues for PUSD


1. Academics

Academics are the primary purpose of the public education system. The efforts of a school Board and District should support this. Letter grades and test scores should be the driving force of everything the District does.

Last year gave us the first clean year over year state testing comparison. The result:

2/3 of all schools declined in English. Almost 2/3 declined in Math.

Almost 2/3 of Elementary schools declined in English. More than 1/3 declined in Math.

All seven schools with middle school students declined in English while two declined in Math.

Districtwide we are still below 2019 levels.

Additionally, the classrooms should be free of divisive curriculum, content, and instruction that is better-off in the home with parents to decide when and how to teach their children.

See for yourself here.

4. Facilities and Bond Measure

In March 2020 there was a half-billion dollar bond measure to fix aging facilities, that failed. There is currently $185m in deferred maintenance backlog. This November the Board will likely propose another Bond Measure to taxpayers again to foot the bill. This would be several hundred dollars per year of property taxes on top of the aweful bond measure from 2011 that kicks in 2032.

Needs have gone from $1.4B in 2020, to $1.8B in 2024. This Board has not earned the trust of the public. Now they will try to do that in the short time we have until the election. All while other fiscal issues loom.

Tim is uniquely qualified to lead these decisions. As a consultant, Tim managed industrial design projects of over 3m sq. ft. and tens of millions of dollars for clients in the industrial sector.

2. Staffing, Teacher Turnover, and Leadership

Finding teachers and keeping them is a tall task. Lacking both of these things distrupts the classrooms. The District needs to think differently to attract and keep talent and expedite hiring. At the end of the 2023-24 school year 41 teachers had retired.

Over the last four years over 75% of the Principals in the District have turned over. Last year there were 12 new Principals and this year there will be 8 new Principals.

Let’s not forget our Superintenent that was fired. There are currently three lawsuits against the District as a result of her bad behavior over the years. Now the same board members that enabled her want to hire a new Superintendent just prior to the election of two board members.

5. Enrollment & Attendance

Enrollment is at its lowest in over 10 years. Attendance is below a budgeted 95%. Both of these things directly affect funding as well as learning loss..

In March of 2024, attendance in high school reached at least a five year low and possibly all time. The larget three month decline of all time, with a decline of 120 students year to date. Mt. Carmel has lost 2% of its student body. What is going on and where are these students going? I’m pressed this issue publically at board meetings.

3. Finances

Last year the District lost $20.3m. The coming year budget projects a $28.7m deficit and another $38m the next two. An $87m loss over four years and a reduction of the reserve to 4.4%. The state takes over at 2%. This Board has been slow to react given the looming State budget issues. The District needs a proven leader that understands real world economics and planning.

Other Issues

Are there other important issues? Yes, of course. I believe in the 80/20 rule. 80% of the effect comes from 20% of the causes. You should spend your efforts proportionately. We have to focus and address first things first as most others will benefit from getting the top 20% of the issues in the right direction.

Yet another lawsuit has been brought against PUSD and Ex-Superindent Phelps.