Addressing Disparities: A Call for Strategic Action in Poway Unified School District

On February 8th at the PUSD Regular Board Meeting I commented on Item 8.2. Learning Support Services: California School Dashboard. Although CAASPP testing has been available since October, the board and admistration has only now presented on the results of the district. I spoke previously at the January Regular Board Meeting specifcially about CAASPP testing results for the district.

As a concerned community member and parent in the District, I find it necessary to revisit the pressing issues surrounding the recent CAASPP testing results and their summary on the California School Dashboard for PUSD.

In acknowledging the district's commendable overall performance, it is imperative to shed light on the persistent disparities among certain schools and student groups. Specifically, the performance of African Americans and Special Needs students in both English Language Arts and mathematics raises significant concerns that require immediate attention.

The stability observed in chronic absenteeism, suspension rates, and graduation rates may mask underlying challenges. Although overall rates remain relatively flat, a closer look reveals that three student groups fall below the standard in chronic absenteeism, while more than half of the defined groups are below the standard in suspension rates and graduation rates. Notably, all groups have experienced a decline in graduation rates year over year.

These concerns underscore the need for a comprehensive and strategic plan to target the unique needs of underperforming groups and sites within our district. As a candidate for the Board of Trustees, I advocate for a proactive approach that goes beyond the surface-level data to ensure targeted support is provided to uplift every student.

In the spirit of transparency and accountability, I encourage the Board to share detailed initiatives and interventions that will be implemented to address these challenges head-on. It is crucial for our community to be informed about the strategic actions that will be taken to guarantee the success and well-being of all students within the Poway Unified School District.

As we look towards the future, parents are committed to working collaboratively with the Board and the community to champion the cause of a robust education for every student. Together, we can build a more effective educational environment that prepares all students for success.


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